Tuesday, 28 June 2016


On the 18th June it has been held the 13th International Day. It has been a great event that has joined people of all representing NATO's nations at NRDC-ITA. A great opportunity to socialize, celebrate and meet other countries’ culture through their food and traditions, to have fun with music, dance and also a great chance for the children to play. But above all, it was a charity event to support a local association, “La Casa Gialla”, a non-profit association from Busto Arsizio aimed at giving children education and support of a family (www.associazionelacasagialla.org).

 The International Day was also an opportunity for the NIWIC to invite new ladies to join the club, and to inform them about who we are, our mission and our activities. All of us had the time to know each other better and spend time with the new members from all countries. Of course, we all have taken part with enthusiasm to this great event of charity, supporting the NRDC – ITA’s chance to concretely express solidarity.

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