Wednesday, 30 November 2016


We are very grateful to all the people that have supported your initiative in behalf of the earthquake emergency during the "Amatriciana Day".

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Every month we meet each other for our usual "Coffee Morning"! Its our chance to meet with new NIWIC members or other we already know, be informed about forthcoming events and activities and attend presentations about everyday life, such as cooking, make-up tricks, self-defense, etc.

This month's topic was about learning a few useful tips and information about the famous Italian plate, risotto! Chiara made a wonderful presentation, helping us improve our cooking skills!  

We are all looking forward for our next meeting, on December!

Tuesday, 20 September 2016


    A short report …. On 20th of September, 40 Ladies and 3 children had the fantastic opportunity to visit a local farm in Busto Arsizio. Everyone had a fantastic time, meeting the animal of the farm, making their own cheese and at the end enjoying a delicious lunch, composed of mozzarella, crostini with zola and crescenza cheese, small pizzas, salame, bread, melon, ice-cream, cakes, wine and of coffee. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


On the 18th June it has been held the 13th International Day. It has been a great event that has joined people of all representing NATO's nations at NRDC-ITA. A great opportunity to socialize, celebrate and meet other countries’ culture through their food and traditions, to have fun with music, dance and also a great chance for the children to play. But above all, it was a charity event to support a local association, “La Casa Gialla”, a non-profit association from Busto Arsizio aimed at giving children education and support of a family (

 The International Day was also an opportunity for the NIWIC to invite new ladies to join the club, and to inform them about who we are, our mission and our activities. All of us had the time to know each other better and spend time with the new members from all countries. Of course, we all have taken part with enthusiasm to this great event of charity, supporting the NRDC – ITA’s chance to concretely express solidarity.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Ladies have had an interesting guided tour to Duomo of Milan. They have had the possibility to visit the Museum with the explanation of curiosity and historical informations.

After a short and pleasant break at the Cafeteria, the climb to the top of the Cathedral, the Terraces. Maybe the most exciting moment of the visit. Then, a walk through the naves of the Cathedral having a look to the stained glasses, the high columns and wonderful floor. 

The Ladies were satisfied and NIWIC too mostly to be able to offer exclusive guided tour to discover the territory and its masterpieces.

Friday, 8 April 2016


As you have heard at our last Coffee morning we have a lot of interesting and funny activities to organise to you with your participation and interest! Soon more informations that. If you need more informations about the chinese classes or golf lessons, visit the page "board".
Our Coffee morning are the occasion to be updated to our new activities, to share some moments together, have a coffee. In particular, last Coffee morning was the occasion to thank and greet our outgoing president, Lexi. 

Thursday, 7 April 2016


The water painting class has been started with a big success. A group of funny artists  in a nice moment to learn how to draw and paint with watercolor. In the first lesson, the teacher has introduced the participants to the use of the guidelines to draw by an image taken from a magazine. In the other lessons how to use the watercolor to test the talent with paintbrushes.
If interested in please contact us!